A Sewing Wish

Sometimes I wish I could sew as well as my Mom and Nana Janet, especially when I am listing vintage sewing patterns and I find one that I really would love to be made into something for me instead of listing it in my Etsy shop.
Today was one of those days as I listed several new vintage patterns, as I looked at the pattern imaging how the dress would look on myself I realized I need to learn to sew well. I can do basic stitches, patches and buttons but my skills of sewing from a pattern is sorely lacking.

Perhaps I should start attending the sewing lessons my daughter takes in the winter time as she will be starting on patterns soon from what I have been told by her sewing instructor.  I remember my Mom driving to Steubenville Ohio to learn to sew when I was a small child and with that knowledge she would sew my siblings and I new clothes. My favorite thing she ever made me was a pair on white and yellow striped pants. However the second time I wore them my brother punched me in the nose and I bled all over them before I could get a paper towel. Sadly the blood stain never came out, but I remember those pants fondly.
