My Every Day Vintage

In a previous post called Every Day Wear Vintage I talked about wearing vintage every day rather than just out and about. I have the hardest time finding vintage pieces that I can wear due to being long waisted, however I think I may have finally found a way round it besides wearing empire waist dresses all the time.

I was looking through some vintage hair style tutorials when I came across one that I tried the other day, however I am incapable of doing victory curls so I modified it and did a front bump (is there an actual name to this style?)


I first saw this tutorial on Facebook and I followed the link to a Tumblr account which had actual written directions here.

My favorite vintage hairstyle blog is by The Freckled Fox, great tutorials and directions are given on her website. Definitely worth checking out, I used her tutorials when I ask my hair dresser to put victory curls in my hair for a party last year. 

Here is my version of the photo up above.


I know the photo’s aren’t the best since my 8 year old was helping me that day. 

As I started with I am wearing my every day vintage almost everyday now, I may need to find a few more blouses to finish out my closet.


Scarf, Blouse and shoes are vintage. the pedal pushers are new. 

Shopping with Friends Again

As I have posted before I am sharing 3 different shops this Wednesday.

Laura of North Highlands Art is a fantastic artist with beautiful hand drawn art, be sure to check out her page and shop.north highland art  

What is not to love about Flea Fever page by my friend Myrthe. If you haven’t made a stroll over there yet I highly suggest you do, don’t forget to check out her Etsy shopfront

Flea fever 

Sarah of Grandma’s Vintage Bling has a delightful shop full of beautiful pieces and her Facebook page is just as delightful if I do say so myself. You can find her Etsy shop here.

Grandmas vintage bling



Every Day Wear Vintage

I want to start a new trend of vintage wearing. A majority of women who wear vintage are usually seen wearing dresses or something of that sort. I want to bring back the every day wear that women so long ago wore. Clothing that women today will not be afraid to wear around the house or running a quick errand.

How will I do that by showing you a few pieces of every day wear that will be available in my shop soon if not already.

Each of these garments are meant to be worn every day rather than special occasions or outings. 

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Strolling Through Friends Shops

Just like last Wednesday I will be sharing 3 different friends shops for you to check out, each Facebook page and their shops are amazing and have some amazing finds.

Jamie of Punch Place Plus has a wonderful crafting supplies page and website that you can find here.

punch place plus 

Sarah of Anthem and Object has beautifully curated vintage finds, her shop is great and you can check it out at this link


CJ and K of Gypsum Moon Vintage is another beautifully curated shop of vintage pieces, you can find their shop on Etsy.


My Nana

I am going to get very real and very honest in this post.

Today my parents had to moved my Nana Janet into an assisted living facility with a special unit for Alzheimer’s/dementia patients. You see my Nana Janet is only 82 years old and has dementia that is very progressive, she can barely remember what day it is or even if she asked you how old your children are or what their names are. She will call you sweetie or kiddo because she doesn’t remember what your name is anymore. She will tell you that Jim (my grandfather) who passed away 19 years ago ran to the store to go pick up groceries or to drop the kids (my Mom and her siblings) off to band practice even though they are all adults with adult children. She wonders why her mom and dad do not answer the phone when she calls them to say hello or why my grandfather isn’t home from work yet. 

I hate this disease and what it has done with my Nana Janet, I absolutely hate it. I’ve pray for healing for her but it isn’t my will be done but Gods be done in this situation so now I pray for peace and understanding for her, my parents, my aunts and uncles and the rest of the family. 

She has always be loving, warm and kind to all of her grandchildren and great grandchildren and that is something I know I will always cherish along with her stories and how she used to try to feed us every time we would stop by for a visit.

nana janet

This photograph was taken at her 80th birthday party, oh we had so much fun and she told the best stories. 

Shopping With Friends

If you follow me on Facebook you know I am a huge fan of sharing other shops, for the next month I am going to share 3 or so shops with you that I think you will just love every Wednesday.

Ivy of AngsanaSeeds has some of the most beautiful photographs, you can check out her lovely Etsy shop here.



Lin of RhodyArt has quirky and eccentric mixed media art in her Etsy shop, you can check out her shop at this link.



Cynthia and Kay over at Gypsum Moon Rocks has some of the most amazing gems, minerals and crystals just to name a few. You can check out their shop over on Etsy.





See you next week with another set of great shops to share with you. 



Semi Productive Day

Some days I feel like I accomplish a lot of work in my studio, other days it feels like I barely made a dent in all of the work there needs to be done.

Thursday was one of those super productive days, I painted the laundry room that I will be converting into my shipping depot. It was already painted yellow so I dug out an unused gallon of the paint I originally purchased to use in my living room several years ago which is a pale yellow, thankfully it was still good and only needed shaken and stirred. I finished removing the carpet glue from along the hallway into the living room and washed one wall, this may not sound like much but I only have 4 hours to work in my studio twice a week.

It took me a bit but I figured out that I had to let the adhesive solvent sit for 35 minutes not the 15-20 minutes it says on the can, so I can get other small projects done between sections. However I now have run out of the solvent and when I went back to Lowe’s to get 2 or 3 more gallons (I only bought one originally to see if it actually worked or not) and Lowe’s was out of it much to my dismay. Must call daily for them to order more, hopefully the employee I talked to today will make sure more is ordered soon, I rather not use another brand when I know that one works. 

Today felt only like a half productive day, I painted the baseboard in the laundry room washed 3 1/2 walls half of which I was standing on a 6 foot step ladder that isn’t in the best shape (Note to self must get a better step ladder from the Husbands shop). I also finished out the can of solvent, which only allowed me to clean up about 6′ by 4′ section, definitely not as much as I wanted to do. 

Thursday is another day and I plan to finish washing that last wall and start painting the second half of the hallway before I remove the glue so I only have one mess to clean up not 2.

Have a good one!
