Christmas Guest Post: Cynthia of Gypsum Moon Vintage

Today I am introducing Cynthia of Gypsum Moon, another one of my favorite shops to follow on Etsy and Facebook. ~Kristen

I really enjoy vintage Christmas items – I’m not one of those people who has a cow if a Santa or a Rudolph or maybe even a snowman or three shows up before Thanksgiving’s over.  We have a quickly growing Christmas/holiday section in our vintage shop on etsy, and it gives me the perfect opportunity to enjoy Christmas ornaments and décor all year long with no guilt at all!

christmas section

One of my current favorite Christmas items in our shop is this adorable Russ Berrie mug from the 1970s with two goofy mice in Christmas stockings – wouldn’t it make a great gift for a couple celebrating their first Christmas together?  Or for a couple who had their first Christmas together in the 1970s, and are still ho-ho-ho-ing together all these years later?

russ berrie mug

I love this 1960s chalkware music box wall hanging that has Christmas carolers singing on it, and plays “Silent Night” when you pull the knob – it’s pretty groovy.  Okay, that word was a little before my time, but not much!

silent night

Another favorite of mine is this limited edition collector’s plate from Gorham Silver from 1980, featuring a 1957 Norman Rockwell painting in the center.  How cute are the moths flying out of the man’s red longjohns that had been stored away in a trunk during the summer, and the look on his wife’s face?  The heavy silverplate frame is lovely, too, with repousse Christmas and winter designs around the edge making it look almost like a holiday wreath.

gorham rockwell

I also adore this cut glass bowl from Mikasa Crystal from the early 1990s, with Christmas trees topped with stars cut into the glass, rimmed with lush 22 karat gold – this would be so gorgeous filled with red and green apples and nuts, or brightly colored wrapped Christmas candies, or ornaments and tiny lights …

mikasa bowl

Remember that we’re always scouring estate sales, auctions, thrift shops and yard sales here in the southeast for vintage Christmas items and other great stuff to share with you – keep an eye on the Christmas/Holiday section of our shop, because you never know what treasures you might find, and by all means, if there’s something special you’re looking for, let us know. 


Link to our vintage shop

Shopping with Friends Again

As I have posted before I am sharing 3 different shops this Wednesday.

Laura of North Highlands Art is a fantastic artist with beautiful hand drawn art, be sure to check out her page and shop.north highland art  

What is not to love about Flea Fever page by my friend Myrthe. If you haven’t made a stroll over there yet I highly suggest you do, don’t forget to check out her Etsy shopfront

Flea fever 

Sarah of Grandma’s Vintage Bling has a delightful shop full of beautiful pieces and her Facebook page is just as delightful if I do say so myself. You can find her Etsy shop here.

Grandmas vintage bling



Strolling Through Friends Shops

Just like last Wednesday I will be sharing 3 different friends shops for you to check out, each Facebook page and their shops are amazing and have some amazing finds.

Jamie of Punch Place Plus has a wonderful crafting supplies page and website that you can find here.

punch place plus 

Sarah of Anthem and Object has beautifully curated vintage finds, her shop is great and you can check it out at this link


CJ and K of Gypsum Moon Vintage is another beautifully curated shop of vintage pieces, you can find their shop on Etsy.


Shopping With Friends

If you follow me on Facebook you know I am a huge fan of sharing other shops, for the next month I am going to share 3 or so shops with you that I think you will just love every Wednesday.

Ivy of AngsanaSeeds has some of the most beautiful photographs, you can check out her lovely Etsy shop here.



Lin of RhodyArt has quirky and eccentric mixed media art in her Etsy shop, you can check out her shop at this link.



Cynthia and Kay over at Gypsum Moon Rocks has some of the most amazing gems, minerals and crystals just to name a few. You can check out their shop over on Etsy.





See you next week with another set of great shops to share with you. 
