History of Jonette Jewelry Co

Jonette Jewelry Co has a rich history and a humble beginning. JJ was first started by a man named Abraham Lisker who was originally trained as a doctor. Deciding that he needed a career change he moved into the jewelry industry in Rhode Island. Then in 1935 he started a costume jewelry business called “Providence Jewelry Company” for only 2 years, when in 1937 his brother Nathan joined the company and the name was changed to Lisker & Lisker.

jj ballerina

Image Source FrivolousIndulgences on Etsy

At one point Abraham decided that novelty figural brooches were the direction he wanted his company to go after seeing the high sales of mother of pearl and ballerina pins.


Image Source Kris’ Vintage Clothing on Etsy

However the company was basically forced to shut down at the beginning of World War II due to government restrictions and the shortage of metals and other materials at that time. During that time Abraham Lisker enlisted in the U.S Army for 2 years and served abroad.  After the war was over Abraham and his brother Nathan made the decision to rename their company from Lisker & Lisker to Jonette Jewelry Co in honor of their parents John and Etta by combining their names together.

JJ hallmark

Image Source GreatVintageStuff on RubyLane

1944 Jonette Jewelry Co was incorporated in the state of Rhode Island. The company used the hallmark JJ on a rectangular cartouche.

In 1972 Abraham retired and his son Gordon took over as the new owner until the company closed in September 1st, 2006.

JJ jewelry has been widely collected over the course of the company’s production. Even though JJ Co is best known for their pin, they also fashioned jewelry, letter openers, photograph frames, watch straps, bracelets, bookmarks, candleholders to name a few


Image Source denise5960 on Etsy


Image Source dollherup on Etsy


Image Source Kris’ Vintage Clothing on Etsy

Book Review – The Teachers Funeral

Last week while browsing the Young Adult audio book section I came across the title The Teachers Funeral – A Comedy In Three Parts to listen to with my children in the car while we made our daily trip to my oldest daughter swim lessons. While not thrilled at first the kids put up a fight but soon settled down to listen to the story Russell Culver is telling about the year he was 15 in 1904.

the teachers funeral

The story begins in August of 1904 when Russel finds out that Miss Mert the school teacher has hit the bucket and he hopes that the one room school house will be shut down for good as he plans to go to the Dakota’s to get a job as a large farm crew for the harvest season for a whole $17 a week pay. He isn’t planning on going alone though, his best friend Charlie Parr is planning on coming with him. However his whole plan gets a curve ball when his older sister Tansy gets the job as the new school teacher.

This book is read in first person.

This story is fun and interesting for kids and adults a like.

Written by Richard Peck

Read by Dylan Baker who does a wonderful job.

This book is 4 hours and 42 minutes long in Audio Book form.

Until Next Time,


Free Stuff. Say What?

Occasionally I post reviews about products I’ve been given or purchased that I have to share with world. One of the places I receive free products from is Smiley360.com, they send me a free products after taking a survey to see if the product is something that my family and I will use or eat.

Once the item has been sent to me I have a certain amount of time to complete my review and post about it on different social media venues, face to face and on my blog here. If this is something that interests you, you can join here.

Until next time,

Studio Renovation Part Ten: Organizing

Finally an update. I know it has been awhile but having a new baby tends to put everything but baby on hold.

I did get a chance to go work in my studio last Saturday with my youngest 3 children in tow, we went during Abigail’s afternoon nap so she slept while I worked and her brothers played with their blocks and dinosaurs.

I finally finished hanging up all of my inventory. I needed to purchase more hanger thus the hang up, pun intended. Once that was completed I started the arduous job of organizing all of the clothing which I should have done all along but didn’t as I was trying to get as much done before Abigail made her appearance. After much debate with my 4 year old son Z, we decided to organize by type of clothing then by decade within each type. I only got about halfway of organizing by decade when I broke up a fight between the boys and that sent me on a another task.

So all in all I started my wall of hats, cleaned some trash up, hung the hooks for my backdrop, organized my clothing inventory and some general clean up.


Noticed my husband put in a light for me one day, he did a great job picking it out and installing the chandelier for me.

I love it.


My husband also claimed one of the other bedrooms as his office so I told him he needed to paint it since I’m so over painting anything right now. He picked a lovely light blue and did a pretty decent job of painting. I really should have had him help me with the rest of the studio.

Josh Office   If you noticed the pile of foam in the door way, that was carpet padding from the living room that has been sitting there since last fall. My husband also got rid of that along with several other bags of trash that needed removed. So I can now walk into the living room without climbing over all of the carpet and carpet padding.

Also the reason the door is off is that my husband purchased a very large desk that won’t fit in his office without removing the door and door jam.

Josh Office 1

It was wonderful being able to put in a few hours of work and seeing progress made even a little bit is better than none.

Until next time,
