The Polishing Project

Several years ago while perusing Pinterest, I found this image of silver trays and bowls being displayed. I immediately fell in love and started my search for silver trays (silver plated really) so could do my own wall display. Needless to say I don’t have nearly enough trays but I have a start to my own wall display. I even have a tray kind of like the one in the middle of the picture that I picked up at a thrift store for a $1.00, what a bargain.


Image Courtesy of Dishfunctional Designs 

The down side to silver or silver plated anything is the black patina that it seems to accumulate, now I love a good patina I just don’t like the black stuff I feel like it is dirty.
So with the help of a few other vintage shop owners I was pointed towards using a chrome cleaner nevrdullas it will not scratch the silver yet is effective in polishing the silver. After a quick trip to Napa Auto Store, I was pointed in the direction of Nevr-Dull. I started off polishing some silverware that was in desperate need of a good polishing to see how well it worked and if the money was well spent. Obviously it was. A can of Nevr-Dull was approximately $8.00 for the can.

The spoon on the right didn’t look to bad before I started polishing it, I thought it was literally a golden color. Imagine my surprise when I behold the beauty of the polished piece. Don’t get me wrong I still liked the patina on the spoon on the right but as I am going to attempt to list them this week they needed to be polished.img_20161118_173315023

So lets get back to trays. This circle tray was pretty grody and has some serious gunk on it that I still need to get off but I was amazed at the difference halfway through polishing it.


The difference was noticeable immediately.

This oval tray is just beautiful and one I can’t wait to display some day. This tray I tried to do a few different pictures as I cleaned it but sometimes polishing got distracting so they aren’t the best quality photographs.


Before Picture

Before Picture


Just the edge

. Just the edge is polished in this picture, it looks brighter already.


The rim 

The whole rim of the platter is polished, you can still see the gunky along the sides.


Finished Product

The finished product turned out beautiful. Like I said before I probably need to do another session of polishing to get a few of the harder to remove spots off. Overall I’m very pleased with how this platter turned out and I’m planning on serving my Thanksgiving turkey on it.

Until Next Time,

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